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Garage doors

Classically opened garage doors, so-called tilt doors become a history in the XXI century. This kind of solutions were usually uninsulated and heavy, troublesome while opening and closing. Very often uncontrolled closed by wind gusts. All these problems caused that customers stopped buying such solutions. Currently, gates opened by lifting up are most often purchased. It is definitely associated with greater comfort of everyday use. There is no need to put the car at least 2-3 meters in front of the gate in order to open it. This directly translates into the possibility of reducing the length of the driveway to the garage. Thus, for obvious savings.

Window Factory in Gdansk despite the suggestive name, it has specialized in the selection and installation of modern, lifted garage doors. Our company’s offer includes garage gates built from segments lifted during opening or winding panels that allow you to save space under the ceiling inside the garage. Below we present the difference between a sectional and rolling gate.

Polish garage doors

On the left side we presenr lift system for the sectional door and on the right side a winding system for the roller door.

How to choose the best garage door to your home?

Because of its size, the garage door has a decisive influence on the appearance and aesthetics of the entire building in which it is installed. Therefore, next to its technical characteristics, an important element to pay attention to is its appearance. You need to skillfully choose the style and color of the facade of the building. That is why it is worth choosing offers of gates in a rich palette of patterns and colors.

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Garage door and entrance door.

Another very important aspect to choose buying a garage door is its harmony with the entrance door to the building. This aspect is often neglected and the end result is unsatisfactory. That is the good reason to  buy  a garage door and entrance door from the same manufacturer. Both elements will form a common integrity. Even better if the supplier can offer us all the external carpentry comes as a integrity with the windows. We will have the opportunity to choose all the elements matching both yourself and the character of the building.

Garage Doors

Example of a properly selected garage door to the style of the building.

How to get more information about garage doors?

Our technical advisors will familiarize you with the details of the construction and operation of this product. Qualified installers will mount the selected gate in the garage door. You will receive a price offer from one of our showroom, or by filling in the form next to it.

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