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Gdańska Fabryka Okien as a reliable company has certificates and attestations confirming the high quality of manufactured and offered products, i.e. CE certificate confirming the safety, health and environmental protection, certificates of the National Institute of Hygiene (PZH) and certifications for profiles VEKA issued by a specialist German Institute of Window Technology (IFT) in Rosenheim.

All our windows have their thermal insulation calculated by measuring energy in watts that is lost through 1 square meter in a given temperature in Kelvin [W / m2K]. The lower the U-value, the better the thermal insulation and greater energy savings. VEKA profiles are certified to ISO 9001: 2008 DIN EN ISO 9001. International Standard ISO 9001 is to shape transparently the organization of the company, both for customers and employees. Planned and well organized processes are responsible for the positive working conditions, eliminating sources of errors and ensuring consistent quality.

ISO 9001 2008 Certyficate

Certificates and attestations guarantee the compliance of the product with the properties declared in regulations and norms in line with European standards. High quality of products of the highest class A is confirmed by an independent, accredited and enjoying the international confidence institutions. All offered products provide reliable and long-term use..

A wide range of security features with increased resistance to burglary, i.e. glass P4 and fittings WK 2 in windows, anti-burglary devices in garage doors and roller shutters in combination with approved certificates provide peace of mind and comfort in everyday use.

VEKA profiles – general Certificates:

VEKA Alphaline 90 Certificates:

VEKA Artline 82 Certificates:

VEKA Effectline 70 Certyficates:

VEKA HST Vekaslide Certyficates:

VEKA Perfectline 70 Certyficates:

VEKA Softline 70 Certyficates:

VEKA Softline 82 Certyficates:

WinkHaus geneal Certyficates:

Declaration of performance WinkHaus:

WinkHaus activPilot Certyficates:

WinkHaus proPilot Certyficates:

WinkHaus autoPilot

WinkHaus duoPort Certyficate:

Salamander bluEvolution Certyfications:

Drutex Certyfications:

AGC Certyfications:

Beditom Certyfications:

Portos Certyfications:

Dla nas ważni są ludzie, dlatego też staramy utrzymywać jak najlepsze stosunki z kontrahentami i konsumentami. Ponadto wsparcie instytucji publicznych jest dla Nas równie ważne. Z Naszą pomocą swoją pierwszą walkę stoczył młody pięściarz, a pasjonaci z gdańskiej drużyny piłkarskiej EX Siedlce mogą kontynuować swoją pasję i przekazywać ją kolejnym pokoleniom.

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